green attitude

our purpose
Our objective? To move towards a carbon-neutral footprint, and even aspire to become a company with a positive impact.
The calculation models and concepts may be subject to discussion, but what isn’t is taking action. And for that, the entire team has already begun to mobilize!
- Limiting the impact of professional transportation: by concentrating our clientele around our home base, excluding air travel, and transitioning our company vehicle fleet to electric.
- Choosing a 100% sustainable energy supplier, Enercoop, the cooperative for green and local electricity.
- In 2019, the Carbon Footprint (scope 3) of the agency amounted to 68 tons CO2eq, or 1.4 t per employee, of which more than 72% were related to transportation (reduced to around 40 t eq. CO2 in 2020).
- Limiting the impact of commuting by encouraging telecommuting (even before Covid), using eco-friendly transportation, and electrification (bicycles, etc.).
- Waste management and plastic reduction: selective sorting with the company Elise (EA), eliminating single-use plastic within the agency (glasses, water carafes, metal cutlery, etc.).
and there is no shortage of projects to continue to meet the challenge:
Carbon offsetting as a last resort: by purchasing 16 hectares of forests, we could offset our greenhouse gas emissions (1 hectare of forest absorbs 4.2 tonnes of CO2 each year).
Installation of a photovoltaic park with a lifespan of 40 years, resulting in a reduction of 441 kg eq. CO2.
Optimization of the IT equipment park to increase the lifespan of our devices.
Creation of eco-friendly websites, with optimized code and extended lifespan.
Short and organic supply chains: promoting farmer’s baskets with seasonal vegetables, delivered directly to the company.
bonus: top 5 actions for digital responsibility
- Increase the lifespan of digital devices: by taking care of the equipment and repairing it in case of malfunction;
- Prioritize refurbished or second-hand equipment if a purchase is necessary;
- Plug equipment into power strips with switches and turn them off when not in use;
- Reduce streaming video consumption (watching a 10-minute high-definition video online on a smartphone is equivalent to using a 2,000 W electric oven at full power for 5 minutes);
- Limit screen time (plus, it’s good for your sleep).
article author
Published in april 2022
Jean-Marie Gomila
Co-founder/CEO of Gardeners agency and Gardeners Group, responsible for the design thinking and digital factory department.