kindness in social media

Did you know that there is a kindness day? A day to exchange sweet words, compliments, or simply relearn to smile. This initiative doesn’t leave anyone indifferent: a slight smile, enthusiasm, or skepticism. Beyond this event, it seems that a wave of kindness has invaded the media. From cute little kittens taking over social networks to books advocating kindness in politics, everything seems to agree that being kind is fun, it feels good, and above all, it’s effective. So, at Gardeners, we wonder about kindness in social media.
To begin, let’s return to the very definition of the word kindness: ‘said of someone who is of attentive and kind complaisance.’
how to be attentive and kind to your community?
1 – Getting to know each other
Who are the people interested in my industry? What are their interests? What types of information might they be looking for? What are their dreams? Just like in a meeting, we judge the interest someone has in us based on the questions they ask us… Take the time to put yourself in the shoes of your community members. Isn’t putting yourself in someone else’s place an act of kindness?
2 – Listening
This is where the problem lies. Asking questions is good. Listening to the answers is even better. For example, why persist in sharing financial statements on Facebook when nobody reads them? Sometimes, you need to listen in silence… Lack of engagement from your community can be a sign of mismatch between your content and your readers’ expectations. Again, a little kindness on your part would be welcome. Really listen, even when it’s not pleasant.
3 – Being willing to question oneself
You have learned about your community and listened to it, yet nothing works? Question yourself! This is certainly the hardest step in your journey towards kindness in social media. It is also the most rewarding. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Social media is not an exact science. It relies on emotions, experiences, and feelings. Like in real life, sometimes you have to think outside the box and dare to shake things up. There are no miracle recipes. Share and be authentic with your community, and they will return the favor.
article author
Published in November 2018
Head of Web Marketing and Activation at Gardeners.
Adjunct Instructor at INSEEC and IAE University Savoie Mont-Blanc.