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Nature Cos

activation &
TV replay movie

Nature Cos est le groupe français pionnier d’une cosmétique bio tournée vers l’excellence. Depuis 2002, l’entreprise développe et fabrique avec passion des produits de beauté, de maquillage et de soins bio, certifiés selon les normes les plus exigeantes.


For a long time discreet, the Nature Cos brand now wishes to present itself as the umbrella brand unifying the product brands of the group: Couleur Caramel, Miss W Pro, Green Skin Care, Signature…

The challenge is significant: to create awareness of Nature Cos, to position the promise and uniqueness of the group, to promote the product brands, etc.


creative concept and scenario:


The agency has drawn from the values that have been driving the group and its teams on a daily basis for nearly 20 years to shape Nature Cos’s communication. The brand indeed embodies universal and supportive convictions shared by all women.


A strong determination to build the world of tomorrow, to live a natural beauty, and to defend a vision: that of free, strong, and essential women! Whether they are entrepreneurs, mothers, speakers, dancers, lovers, actresses…


It is by illustrating the intensity of their daily lives that Gardeners wanted to create emotion and connection. A complicit sisterhood, in motion, to make a difference. The agency filmed these women who live, engage, build, and love at full speed for the manifesto of a brand that can proudly assert values that few others can claim today!

a film, a story, a music that captivate the viewers.

An idea and stories that the agency chose to entrust to the talented Maël Sevestre and Imagerie Films for realization. Cinema lenses from the 1970s for a manifesto filmed with a handheld camera to capture the faces and beauty of all these women in the fast-paced rhythm of everyday life.


A music composed by the composer David Grumel. Sounds that convey the strength of this women’s movement shaping the world of tomorrow.


A beautiful inclusive message that celebrates the diversity of women in their desires, beauties, and priorities.


Among these women, we discover the actress Stéfi Celma (from “Dix Pour Cents”, “Balle Perdue” on Netflix, and many others), the muse of the Couleur Caramel brand.


On a swirling rhythm, reflecting the lives of women, the 45 seconds of the film are narrated with the voice and words of the Belgian feminist poet Lisette Lombé. She accurately describes both the plurality and uniqueness of women, their desire to be themselves, driven by their convictions to chart their own path. Nature Cos tells its desire to “change the world of beauty for a different world, where our values are shared.”


Gardeners delivers an engaged campaign where the face of women and their relationship to beauty are innovative.

broadcast and results

  • More than 4 million views in less than 15 days of the campaign.
  • Tens of millions of impressions on social media.
  • An incredible broadcast serving the emerging brand awareness.

Nature Cos brand internationally

Concept, storytelling, text writing, translation into English, artistic direction, production, and editing, the agency deploys worldwide campaigns for the pioneering group in organic cosmetics!


A strong vision and a brand discourse ever more committed that carries the voice of the women of tomorrow.

our projects

Gardeners supports over 250 B2B and B2C brands, non-profit organizations, and local authorities, mainly in France and Switzerland

discover who we are

and what we can do for you if you contact us